Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ceded Lands, Civil Unions, LIfe

Ceded Lands

It seems as if for as long as i can remember the state has done wrong by the native Hawaiian people, or native people in general. Yesterday, the highest court of the land heard 30 minute testimony from both OHA and the State of Hawaii regarding the monumental Ceded Lands. The decision on this case could affect up to 1/3 of the land in hawaii and all of the prgram focused towards benefiting native Hawaiians. I dont thik people understand how big this case really is, its not just about land. its about Kamehameha, healt hcare, Lunaliho homes, QLCC and many other programs targetted towards the betterment of NATIVE people. since both sides focused their arguments suround it, its looks as of the case will be decided based of the supreme courts interpretation of the 1993 apology bill signed by Bill Clinton stating that the 1893 overthrow and 1898 annexation were both immoral and invalid. All we can do as hawaiians now is hope and pray that for the first time since our existance we are done right by the United States of America.

Civil Unions(bill 444)

This past week the State Senate has also been hearing a case that would affect all of hawaii and parts of the Continental US. If Passed Same sex couples will be given the same legal rights as opposite sex married couples. As it stands, same sex couples lack many rights provided to the larger population. many arguments aggainst same sex marrige fight to protect the "sanctity" of marrige and its institution. However, a civil union is not a mirriege it is not recognized by the church and solely rest n the law. The US constitition clearly states a seperation of church and State; however, as it stand today a institution held and protected by the church denies many rights to citizens that sounds be held solely by the state. This is a case of human rights and is just as important as the right for female voting, black voting, anti segrigation ect. If the church wants to keep homosexuals out of its sacred halls then the church shoudl keeps its "sacred" hands out of the law.


Life is good. i have been having lots of arthritis issues but i am okay. Duncan turned 21 on the 21st and i got to hang out with him at his party. duncan eventually got way to drunk and ended up puking on Jenna, poor thing. lol. but we took care of him and he turned out okay. also, in his drunkeness he told jenna "jamaica is the closest person to me in the world, as long as she is happy and smiling i am gonn love you... thats the only important thing..." i basically started crying.. lol. im glad my brother likes her.

Jenna is officially coming to hawaii in april with me. she arrives a day later and leaves like two days earlier but im REALLY excited :). my mo already loves her and my dad is jealous im bringing someone home cuz he said he wants to spend more time with me but he'll live.

besides that, things are good im getting ready for CUPSI (college slam nationals) and GSF (Hawaii GRand Slam Finals) and trying to stay focused in school. make sure to keep april 11th free if you are in hawaii to come support me for slam.. please :) oh, and i've been invited to a pre-screaning premire of the HBO doc in san fran march 9th so ill get to see it before it airs which is kinda cool.

wish me luck: today i compete for 300 dollars in the youth slam finals in oakland. im guarenteed to win at least 100 but it would be nice to come in first :)


Monday, February 16, 2009

long overdue life update.

my last blog was over a week ago :( and a lot has happened since.

school is school, im staying afloat.. i had too midterms and i did okay on both, not as good as i had hoped but im okay. bleh

jenna and i are officially dating and its working out nicely, ayana still isnt talking to me and im starting to notice that i really dont have any platonic friends here and i feel like somehow im burning bridges back home :( idk. things are changing and i feel like theres a growing distance between me and the people i love and the more i try to fill it the more frustrated i get.

i went to a slam on thursday and qualified for another slam wher ethe prize money is 1k :) so the next slam is next thursday. problem is my phone got stolen while i was at the slam which sucks really bad but i have an iphone on its way in the mail.. hopefully ill get it by wednesday but more realistically it will be here by thursday :(. hmmm what else happened...

friday night teraa (jenna's dorm) had a party called "sex" haha.. i dont know what the party was like cuz me n jenna never left her room. :/ but i bet it was fun
(check calender)*


so valentines morning jenna and i exchanged homeade valentines :) and CD's and we both had roses delivered to each others dorms. sad thing is i dont sleep at my dorm so i didnt get mine til later. then i went to work and jenna went shopping. jenna took me out to dinner which was really fun an dthen we went to a mascarade ball thing which was also really fun but then i got high so i just wnated to go back to the room and shit.

thats about it sunday and today were just lazy days. but good. i have a project i should be working on. bleh. but i love you guys and miss you all like fucking crazy...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thats what She said

i have a midterm tomorrow so this will be short cuz i have to study.

i dont have time to go into the details of how i lost my best friend but it happened. and it really sucks but im doing alright. I am dating Jenna now which is amazing. I havent slept in my dorm in a week, its kinda crazy. i have somehow found myself in this VERRy intense pysical and emotional relationship an dit kinda came out of no where. i am trying to take things slow but i've pretty muched already moved in and last night jenna said thta she thinks shes in love with me which is kinda trerrrifying to say the least. and its weird i keep having this urge to tell her i love you but i dont know if thats just, bleh...idk.

i am really tired, we've finally gotten to the pont where we can actually SLEEP in the same bed but the intensity of our chemistry is kinda crazy sometimes.
anywasy i just wanted you all to know that im dating, im happy, i smile a lot more:) haha. jk. only for a little while

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

one sentance.

all im going to say is: its good that girls can't get girls pregnant or i'd be double fucked! :) oh too many stories to tell you.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

short: i slept with her

things are crazy.
but here's a short update.
i slept over with jenna last night.
she's beautiful
and i'm really confused but its okay, because she is beautiful.

we talked til 4am and she asked me last night "Jamaica, are you legitimately over Caitlin"
and i told her "i dont know, but lately i've felt a lot more full and a lot less broken"

aww fuck life is beautiful, o so beautiful.