Friday, January 9, 2009

Sleep and Dreams

so... for the first time since i've gotten to California i had a full nights sleep.
i went to bed at around 2 and woke up at 12. thats about 10 hours for those of you who are mathematically challenged. and so become of my long night's rest i actually had the opportunity to enter a sleep state deep enough to create my own reality comparable to that of the one we live in the day. in simple terms, i had a dream. and it was somewhat disturbing and painful but it was still a dream.

im not gonna give complete details but basically i was in the Honolulu airport about to leave for college for the first time and someone who definitely should not have kissed me leaned in and kissed me and i basically i fell back into this bad pattern and got led on and crashed bad. haha. it was pretty fucked up. and really bizarre the way things played out.

anywasy besides that, california is okay. i havent had the chance to really settle in because chris is here and he's really starting to irritate me. but yeah i kinda just wnat to get back into the college life phase and hang out with my stanford friends since im stuck here and basically go to partys and do my home work and be lazy and eat when i want to without having to babysit someone. oh and ive been getting a lot of shit for not drinking or smoking... oh well...

my schedule is starting to take a toll on my body and im trying to keep it fomr affecting my emotions. but the worst part is i haven't even started really working. shit is about to get a lot harder pretty quickly. but im sure ill figure it out. aside from that everything is cool. its hard tho because i know everyone has to go on with their life while im gone but i already kind of feel like the first thing that gets drops when the load is to heavy if that makes any sense. i just want to be apart of hawaii even if i am in the distance but it seems like no one (including myself) has the time to keep me involve in his/her life and it sucks.

oh well i'll write more later i have to go to a gig and then start reading for my homework. lkasjfd;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjfl;kasjdlkfjas;lkdjf

love you guys. really i do. and i miss you all!

ps: in case you were wondering... i ate today.

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