Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WARNING: LONG POST AHEAD!!! ELECTION and of course LIFE to follow

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^^^^new song, with a drum track. EJNOY

So this is going to be long.. im gonna split it up into sections so you can read what you want.
the first being ....
ou that i love VERY SOON


So In case you were living under a rock last night and didnt know, OBAMA won the election by more than double. with that said a lot of people are happy but at the same time were have a lot of skeptics, and who is to say that they dont have the right to be skeptical but lets really look at these issues.
the first being for more liberal hawaiians is the
, which Obama supports.
Okay so the akaka bill seeks to establish a process for Native Hawaiians to gain federal recognition similar to the recognition that some Native American tribes currently possess. In may peoples eyes a step backwards from Independence and would further complicate our chances of ever being independent. Lets make this clear. I DO NOT SUPPORT THE AKAKA BILL. However, if it were to be passed i would pressure my father and myself to be active in its proceedings. to me the fact that so many hawaiian's are soo against it is the same reason why it would be so harmful. the akaka bill sets up a sort of coucil which COULD be made up by hawaiians but all the smart hawaiians are against the akaka bill and therefore wont run, thus giving all the power to people who dont have the best in mind for us. but here is what i have to say to people who voted against obama just becasue of the AKAKA BILL. I honestly think you are an indiot, if this is your only reason. The akaka bill would still have gotten passed if Mccain was elected even though he doesnt not support it. TRUST ME. and this next one is a shocker, especially coming form me, but THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS THAN HAWAII RIGHT NOW. there are bigger issues that we need to focus on and should vote accrodingly. Which brings me to my next point.

obama went back and forth on this one. First against and then decided for gay marriage. Honestly i dont give a crap. Yes i believe in equal rights. i believe you should be able to marry, live with and adobt with WHOEVER YOU WANT. but again at the same time i think there are more important things at this point to worry about. How about the war, or economy or the ice caps!!! to those of you who didnt want obama because of his late support of gay marriage DONT WORRY. prop eight is getting passed make making gay marriage illegal in califorina, florida and arizona. thanks to a whole bunch of mormons in UTAH people in cali, arizona, and florida can't marry the ones the love. its stupid if you ask me but hey im just a college student, i dont know shit. but really im all for political diversity, i believe it Forsters intellectual growth. however, when someone else beliefs starts to hinder my ability to live the way in which i choose or need then thats when it crosses the line. i never said you couldnt get married or that you couldnt get an abortion, so dont tell me i can't either!!!! its really none of the governments business. its funny people want the government's hands off their business but they dont mind if the government is all over our bodies!!!.

seems to clearly be the next subject. okay. firts lets start in clearing this bullshit up. there is a difference between being pro choice and pro abortion!
its about the right to choose what to do with your body. Honestly, i cannot see myself ever having an abortion but at the same time i cannot see myself being rapped. pro choice is about being given a safe alternative to giving birth to a child who could potentially be put in a fucked up situation. people like to talk about adoption and all the wonderful families there are just waiting for kids. but i've seen the system, i've navigated it and even from the "success story" side the system looks pretty fucked up to me. basically i think if someone is going to have an abortion it should be legal so it can be safe and sanitary. i think you should be able to choose and then you have to live with your decision, but its not mine to make for you.

and im not really gonna go into the rest because honestly i have about as much foreign policy experience as sara palin, i dont know about the war on iraq but i do know people are dying and they shouldn't be. I dont know about the economy but i do know that my father who works two jobs and my mother who works one can't afford to buy a house in a state they've lived and worked for for over 40 years and that is also fucked up. I DONT KNOW how anyone could fix our economy right now but i do know that handing out 12 billion dollars in bailouts to companies will not fix it. i do know that lowering high end tax will not fix it and i do believe obama will do everything he can so that the working class and bellow will actually be able to breathe every once in a while. i know you LOVE your money soo much but really those of you up top have enough so stop whining.



So i had this stupid idea that by adding my ex's new boyfriend i would be proving to her and myself that i was happy for her. but if anything its just pissed me off. i'd prob be a lot happier for her if i wern't his myspace friend and i didnt have to read his status and bulitins. and granted i dont HAVE to read his bullitins that he posts about how he wants to be with caitlin for ever but that is just something i put myself through becasue im a stupid masochistic idiot. well you all already knew that one. but yeah i feel bad cuz i can't just delete him cuz when i added him i sent him a msg saying that i was ok with him cuz caitlin was happy and i dont want to be a dick and fuck shit up with my best friend. oh well ill just stay off myspace or something or idk. ;aslkdfjl;kasdjfl;asdjkf;klj and stop beineg so dumb. my quote for today is

"love is the answer but while you are waiting, sexs brings up a whole lot of interesting questions"

SEX....its only 3 letters i dont understand what is so exotic about it. but people seem to praise it and talk about how good it makes people feel. I wouldn't know,im a virgin and frankly if anything i feel like sex has hurt me more than its made me feel good. I mean i place the blame of my breakup with bothsteven and randy on our inability to be "intimate" i guess. i dont know it was mostly my inability i guess. whatever. OVER IT...THE WHOLE WORLD has lost their virginity and here i am Ms. marry justwalking along and i feel like an 8th grader complaining that everyone is doing something that im not.. but really, its pretty irritating. i think i'll just go out and have sex like my roommate did. it seemed to work for her at least. idk. fuck sex. really FUCK IT.

ok i think that's it for now.
i miss my family a lot, which is wierd but not weird at the same time. my sister called me and told me that my mom was danicng around and crying when obama won and as embarrassing as my mother sounds i wish i could have been there. honestly i rather way i was watching my mother make a ool of herself when i found out obama won then staring at my computer in a dorm room. but whatever. I miss my sisters A LOT. i feel guilty for leaving when halia is just becoming a teenager and for missing out on watching lehua really grow up. that along with my niece petra who definately wont recognize me. i just wish i could be home for them, but mostly for me.

and then there are my friends.
man i fucking misss you guys.
you guys were alwasy there for me, you loved me through all the crap and helped me lived through some shitty times that i thought i wouldnt have been able to get through. i mena ashley you saw me through 2 heartbreaks and your still by my side. its crazy. and i mena then there is caitlin and sommer who like babied me all summer when i was sick and took care of me, i wish i could see you guys. i miss naihe becasue no one here will play ukulele while i play guitar and i miss aja cuz you are the only person i know who will sit with me for 3 hours trying to make a fire and not bitch at me! i want to come home, but i can't i need to stay here mostly becasue coming home right now would porb not be what i want or exspect and leave me even more miserable then i am here. but i look forward to better days and seeing all of y

so thats all for today. i'll write again tomorrow, DEFINiTELY NOT AS LONG..I PROMISE


sommerset said...

so first off, let's talk about dave. i'm sure it would be ok if you deleted him. i don't think he'd take it personally, and i really dont think he goes to your myspace often so it wouldn't really matter. as for sex, don't do it just to be "in" with everyone else because it really isn't that great. i mean, i was more excited about the election last night than i was about the first time i had sex. okay. maybe not. but lets not go there.

as for the election and all the bills and propositions that come with it... wow. thats an interesting topic. i'm not sure what i feel about the akaka bill because it would totally be a good things for Kamehameha, but at the same time, it would clear the slate of the misdeeds done to hawai'i by the U.S. and i don't think i like that.

as for gay marriage, i agree that we have more important things to worry about but at the same time, if i wasn't able to marry my true love, that would be a big issue to me. i mean, being a person who wants to get married soon, this is a big deal to me and i feel that gays should be able to do what they want. in the same sense though, you're right. we have more important shit to do in this country to just leave gays alone! ergh.

as for abortion, i'm sure this will be one of many issues that you and i will agree to disagree about. i don't think that it is right for people to have abortions. i mean, if you get raped or are risking your life to have the child, then by all means, have the abortion. but i don't think it should be allowed in the way that it is today. my theory is that if you murder someone, you have to go to jail. you can't just tell the judge, "it was an accident, i'm sorry" and go on your merry way. in life, actions come with consequences. it isn't something that just comes up and then happens to you, you chose to have unprotected sex or sex in general. why should a potential child be sacrificed because of your mistake? but that's just my opinion.

so thank you for blogging again. you rock my socks! and i am wearing socks. you can see them. lol. but yeah. take care and i love you!


eJAMACAtor said...

i dont want to talk about dave. thank you.
:P i'm not even sure why i brought it up. most likely cuz i worte this blog 5 minutes after reading one of his bulletins. I KNOW! dumb idea. IM SORRY. dave's fine. he is not the problem, he's a good guy as far as i know. I AM THE ASS HOLE meaning I AM the problem. anyways.... as for everything else..

let me reiterate that the akaka bill SUCKS. gay marriage should be legal but its not and so we have to fix that, just not right this second. and abortion is heavy. and i respect your opinion cuz its valid and makes 100% sense. i dont believe that it is right the way people have abortions today, but i still believe everyone deserves a choice. its a sticky topic and the world will NEVER agree on it but that is life. it just seems to me if the government can decide what i can or cannot do with my body what other decisions will they ultimately have the power to make? its just a fucked up situation....
but yeha. i love you too. :P and i should get back to work

sommerset said...

lol. how come the akaka bill sucks? i don't really understand. i mean, you know me and reading and that thing is HUGE!!! i just dont know what to do with myself. lol. but i heard that it wipes the slate clean from all of the things that the u.s. did to hawaii and that seems bad but idk why its bad. explain please. enlighten the darkened. lol.

anyways, as for gay marriage, we agree. i agree we have to take care of other things first. how about we make sure our president doesn't get shot!!! that sounds like a good plan A. dude, i'm scared for him. that's living life in fear. anyways, on to abortion. idk. i agree that its a women's rights thing that women should be able to have their bodies as their own but you should also be responsible. lol. i mean you know what i mean. i agree with you though and i see what you're talking about, but i still understand.

I love you!!!

eJAMACAtor said...

just for you i will re-read the WHOEL akaka bill and explain everything to you that SUCKS about it. and hey! i might even add the good stuff. give me a week. haha

sommerset said...

awh. you really are my best friend! only a best friend would do that. i love you! don't forget to tell me the outcome ok?!

sommerset said...

btw, i think you should change the color of your type cause i can't read it. thanks!!!

sommerset said...

10 things i want in a guy.

-a guy who will call me and text me just to say i love you and that he's thinking about me.
-a guy who will leave video comments on my page.
-a guy who will take off work just to see me.
-a guy who will send me flowers just to show he cares
-a guy who will plan a date and follow through with it
-a gentlemen who does all the bullshit chivalry things of the past
-a guy who will fly up to see me even if he knows that he should be at work
-a guy who will take me out with his family and friends as if i was a part of him.
-a guy who thought about me and always was honest and followed through with his promises.

Now these aren't just things that I expect from a guy, but things that I expect from myself. And i'm pretty sure i do them all.

then why am i with a guy who possesses none of these qualities?

sommerset said...

btw, i also want a guy who can count cause apparantly i can't.